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Bags & Blade Protectors


Suede roll-up bag, empty

Product details

• 100% genuine suede leather from Europe
• Perfect for storing and transporting firmer chisels
• Protects against dust and moisture
• Suitable for all firmer chisel sizes - from 2 mm to 50 mm blade width
• Strong leather strap for tightening and closing the bag
• A total of three closure levels

Note: Leather is a natural material - color and texture may vary slightly!


Microfibre roll, empty 12pcs.

Product details

Microfibre roll for 12 tools, for firmer chisel up to a width of 26 mm, for carving chisel up to a with of 22 mm


Microfibre roll, empty 18pcs.

Product details

Microfibre roll for 18 tools, for carving chisel up to a with of 22 mm


Microfibre roll, empty 24pcs.

Product details

Microfibre roll for 24 tools, for carving chisel up to a with of 22 mm


Microfibre roll, empty 32pcs.

Product details

Microfibre roll for 32 tools, Microfibre roll for 32 tools


Velours leather roll, empty 12 pcs.

Product details

Velours leather roll for 12 tools, for firmer chisel up to a width of 26 mm, for carving chisel up to a with of 22 mm


Velours leather roll, empty 4 pcs

Product details

Velours leather roll, empty 4 pcs for carpenters chisel, for carpenters chisel up to a width of 40 mm,


Felt bag for carving knives

Product details

• Modern felt bag for safe storage of carving knives
• Perfect for carving knife 3358000 & 3363000
• Embossed cherry logo
• Loop to close the bag securely
• Material: Felt


Velours leather apron

Product details

Velours leather apron


Leather cutting edge protection set

Product details

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»KIRSCHEN« Werkzeuge
Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
T: +49 (0)2191 78204-10
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