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Respectful - in this way we from "TWO CHERRIES" are looking back to more than 155 years of company history. So respectful, as our customers evaluate our tools. For you "TWO CHERRIES" tools belong to the best in the world

The straight path

Our aims are quality products for you. Products that give you pleasure and provide positive experiences. The satisfaction of our customers - in everything we do - is the guideline for our actions.

No compromises.

As for more than 155 years, the quality and form are decisive factors for exceptional function. Especially in the world of abundance and mass production, we reserve consciously the craftsmanship, the perfection of the product and the particular design.


Therefore we are happy to hear from you. If you are satisfied, if you want to tell us wishes and ideas, but also if there is a criticism once. Only then will we remain what we are here for you: your popular brand. Thank you!

»KIRSCHEN« Werkzeuge
Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
T: +49 (0)2191 78204-10
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