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Wooden mallet with hornbeam head and ash handle

Ø in mm8090100110120
Weight in g (approx.)300400500700900
Size in mm220225230250265

Available in the following Sizes:

80 mm (3500080), 90 mm (3500090), 100 mm (3500100), 110 mm (3500110), 120 mm (3500120)


Carpenters' mallet

Product details

Carpenters‘ mallet with hornbeam head and ash handle

Length in mm105140160
Weight in g (approx.)4009001000

Available in the following Sizes:

105 mm (6160105), 140 mm (6160140), 160 mm (6160160)


Mallet with bronce head

Product details

Mallet with bronce head with stained beech wood handle and velours leather bag

Ø in mm404550
Weight in g (approx.)400550750

Available in the following Sizes:

380 gr. (6200380), 550 gr. (6200550), 750 gr. (6200750)

»KIRSCHEN« Werkzeuge
Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
T: +49 (0)2191 78204-10
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