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Hornbeam handle, flat

Product details

Handle hornbeam, flat, 2 ferrules

Handle length 120 mm for blades 2-10 mm
Handle length 125 mm for blades 12-16 mm
Handle length 130 mm for blades 18-26 mm
Handle length 140 mm for blades 28-32 mm
Handle length 150 mm for blades 35-50 mm

Available in the following Sizes:

120 mm (1901120), 125 mm (1901125), 130 mm (1901130), 140 mm (1901140), 150 mm (1901150)


Hornbeam handle, octagonal, 2 ferrules

Product details

Handle hornbeam, octagonal, with hammer button, 2 ferrules

Handle length 130 mm for blades 2-20 mm
Handle length 145 mm for blades 22-30 mm
Handle length 152 mm for blades 32-50 mm

Available in the following Sizes:

130 mm (1902130), 145 mm (1902145), 152 mm (1902152)

Handle plastic, flat

Handle length 110 mm for blades 2-16 mm
Handle length 120 mm for blades 18-26 mm
Handle length 125 mm for blades 28-35 mm

Available in the following Sizes:

110 mm (1903001), 120 mm (1903002), 125 mm (1903003)


Hornbeam handle, round, strong

Product details

Handle hornbeam, round, strong, 2 ferrules

Handle length 160 mm / Ø 45 mm for blades 20-30 mm (carpenters' chisels)
Handle length 160 mm / Ø 50 mm for blades 32-50 mm (carpenters' chisels)

Handle length 160 mm / Ø 42 mm for blades 3-8 mm (mortise chisels)
Handle length 160 mm / Ø 45 mm for blades 10-13 mm (mortise chisels)
Handle length 160 mm / Ø 50 mm for blades 16 mm (mortise chisels)

Available in the following Sizes:

42 mm (1905042), 45 mm (1905045), 50 mm (1905050)


2 Component handle

Product details

Handle 2-component handle, flat

Handle length 135 mm for blades 2-35 mm


Wooden handle for Turning tools, long, pale

Product details

Handle hornbeam, round, 1 ferrule, for turning chisels, pale


Pear shaped handle

Product details

Pear shaped handle, for carving tools, short pattern and microcarving tools


Wooden handle for Turning tools, long, dark

Product details

Handle hornbeam, round, 1 ferrule, for turning chisels, dark


Hornbeam handle, octagonal

Product details

Handle hornbeam, octagonal, 1 ferrule, for carving chisels, 1980-140 with 2 ferrules

Handle length 110 mm for blades 2-10 mm
Handle length 120 mm for blades 12-16 mm
Handle length 130 mm for blades 18-22 mm
Handle length 140 mm for blades 25-60 mm

Available in the following Sizes:

110 mm (1980110), 120 mm (1980120), 130 mm (1980130), 140 mm (1980140)

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Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
T: +49 (0)2191 78204-10
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