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Prof. Carv. Tools Sets


Basic equipment, 1. Supplementation

Product details

Carving chisel set 14pcs., with octagonal hornbeam handle in microfibre roll 1. Supplementary set 14 pieces, each 1 piece: 3179: 6 mm 3180: 6 mm 3202: 8 mm 3208: 4, 6, 8, 10 mm 3219: 4, 6, 8 mm 3231: 8 mm 3247: 2 mm 3356 3358

To prevent the tools from corrosion, we recommend applying a small amount of oil on the tools after use or before storing them for a longer period.

Before storing the tools, moisten the blade with a cloth lightly soaked in oil (white oil or our art. no. 3708000).


Basic equipment, 2. Supplementation

Product details

Carving chisel set 4pcs., with octagonal hornbeam handle in microfibre roll 2. Supplementary set 4 pieces, each 1 piece: 3134: 14 mm 3147: 1,5 mm 3165: 35 mm 3177: 16 mm

To prevent the tools from corrosion, we recommend applying a small amount of oil on the tools after use or before storing them for a longer period.

Before storing the tools, moisten the blade with a cloth lightly soaked in oil (white oil or our art. no. 3708000).

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Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
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T: +49 (0)2191 78204-10
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